Category: Hidden History

Six Newly-Digitized Collections from the JFK Library Archives

Fighting Racism in JFK’s Military: The Gesell and Hewes Papers, Digitized

Now Digitized: Herbert Tucker’s Black Voter Outreach in JFK’s Campaigns

Hemingway’s Recycled Boxes: Cooler Than They Sound

Frank Kameny, JFK, & the Case for LGBTQ+ Rights

When Rose Kennedy Asked for Khrushchev’s Autograph

Finding Inspiration in the Archives: Honoring Women at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library

Spotlight on Maurice Sorrell, Photographer

Making the March on Washington, August 28, 1963

“Understand Our Urgency:” Oral Histories by Black Americans

Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month: Searching for a “Hidden Figure”

Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month: Dalip Singh Saund

Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month: Solving an Archival Mystery